Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Next weeks..

So I am not that great at updates I must say... Life is much more routine which makes me have less and less to say. I still believe this has been one of the most amazing opportunities and I'm so glad God has opened that door. I absolutely love teaching and am learning more about it everyday. I have been really blessed with an incredible teacher that has taught me so much, as well as shown me where my strengths are. They say he is a tough one to impress and I really had no idea of that, I've been treated as his equal in the classroom from day one. The class is amazing as well, still children so there's always something:) But I have really enjoyed being in the teacher role and can honestly say its something I have a passion for and can do well at. I'm teaching units on extreme environments (caves), math (angles:)), drama, a little art, and a unit on canada.. its pretty extreme, the last 2 weeks I've pretty much been teaching fulltime with the other teachers relief sometimes (specialties like music, french, computers, pe, etc). but its great:)
I can't say there has been a lot spectacular that has happened since my last post as I've been extremely focused on teaching. My number one focus however has been on God and learning as much as possible during this time. My normal life at home is so busy with everything God has really opened my eyes during this time to studying and learning about his word and who he is. I have had time to go above and beyond my normal prayer time and bible time, to study and read background/listen to other sermons and just really learn. I find this a real blessing because in tern God has put that hunger for more scripture and more knowledge on my heart. I know he is teaching, training and stretching me. One thing I have not had over here that I has caused me to look for new avenues of teaching is that the church is going through some interesting times here. I have seen a lot of pain and resentment in some people who who have left churches that lost who God was and a scriptural doctrine. Instead of relying on Jesus and being a servant and ultimately striving to be like Jesus the pastor became like an all knowing prophet that identified on the same level as Jesus. Became very cultish where the people had to submit to their ways and would not question their authority for fear of public rebuking. And when people tried to question and leave they would be shamed to the rest of the congregation. After talking to quite a number of people about this I've seen a number of things; those who are genuinely seeking after Gods face and God is bringing them through this and those who are still in the dejection phase and are suffering through this. At the same time God is teaching me a lot through the book of Isaiah. Interestingly this theme has happened numerous times throughout scripture. This is something I would like people to be on their knees in prayer for.. not just the church in Tasmania, but the church in Australia, the church in California (where I saw similar themes) and in Canada... the western church in general, I know God is working and having people really seek Jesus and know what he is doing and get in on it. Although I have seen some bad aspects of it I was given such a blessing of hope in some people I met last sunday. Their heart for God was remarkable and their teachings very scripturally accurate, for all they've gone through they have reached a place of real growth and just keep continuing to do so!:)
Okay so it sounds like I'm rambling now but I have more to say... I've had such an amazing opportunity of working with my mentor teacher and did not realize until recently that he has been watching me and questioning what he believes. Last week I felt I really needed to pray for him randomly (but ofcourse really what is random?) the next day Nathan (one of the people I live with/work with) said he asked if I was religious. I knew God was onto something there so I continued to pray and ask for opportunities to be used in anyway. So ofcourse, when we were driving to a conference together the conversation imm. progressed to relgion and what he believes. He opened up a lot about his history and his questions and what he believes. Amazing questions and I could tell they had been really thought out- Why would a good God send those who have not heard his word to hell.. one in which I have actually had an answer for right away. It went well, and I e-mailed him resources later. He's still questioning, along with his daughter in whom I've had the blessing of getting to know as well. So prayer for that family as well!
You know I appreciate everyone of you and your prayers!
Things are going great!
I have joined an outdoors club here and will be going on some amazing adventures soon, camping this weekend. Caving next week with my class. Some waterfalls, climbing, etc etc. I've been bowling, lots of movies, some parks, dinners, etc.. is life so far.
I'm already a month in! craaazy! only another month and I am off to meet Sara and work in the orphanage/school in Thailand:)
And I'm missing everyone A LOT!
Would love to hear from you!!
Love and prayers!

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