Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First week in Tassie

Hi everyone!

So a few people have been bugging me for an update and I've been so busy that its been hard to actually sit down and write this so here it goes. It is absolutely amazing here. I have been blessed so much through this opportunity and it became quite apparent immed. how God has come before me and seen me through things. Everything has worked out pretty crazily. I ended up not living at Jemma's house because there wasn't enough room and found out 2 days before I was leaving (this kinda made me uneasy and didn't know where I was going) but God has taught me a lot about trust lately (and continues to do so) and so I released it to him. Really really amazing situation after that, I ended up living with this couple Nathan and Amy Guy (who are my age) and who are friends with Jemma. Nathan actually works at Evandale Primary (the school I am doing my practicum) so I have been blessed to go with him to school everyday. It has worked out amazingly, right down to finances, they asked for exactly the amount I had to give.

My class has been incredible, I have already taught a few lessons with them and they are as ideal class as you can get (but being children so obv. not perfect haha esp this afternoon, friday end of the day). I had authority in the classroom from my first entrance, I didn't really have to work for it (which is really unusual). My mentor teacher, Robert as well is absolutely incredible. He has taught me so much in the little time I've been here and really treats me as a valuable asset to the school and the classroom. He has been supportive in everyway in helping me adjust and allowing me to expand my knowledge of teaching.

The couple I am living with are Christians and I have had the opportunity to talk to quite a few people already about God and what he has been doing in my life, for example last night I went to a "bible study" type of setting and ended up sharing everything God has done and taught me this past year (something I normally would not have done esp with all strangers). I've learned already the problems of the church body over here and what they are struggling with. Prayer is definitely needed for the church and what is going to come of it here in Tasmania. Its an interesting situation, one I'll go into more detail about at a later time once I know more.

Everyone is extremely friendly and I've already made quite a few friends. I'm excited for what I'm going to do on the weekend, hopefully get some fun hiking/exploring/caving trips in. Next week I'm going camping with my class which will be really fun and the class is really looking forward to it! I'm also teaching a unit on caves so it will be fun to take my class on an out trip to actually go through some amazing caves (which they have here!) at the end of the unit.

Well I hope all is going great where you all are and I would love to hear from you all! I hope to have some pictures up in the next little while, esp after camp:)

Love and prayers to you!

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